I’m still working on that last chapter…which I’ve seperated into two chapters…go figure! At the moment I’ve got the last chapter from the heroine’s point of view, but I’m wondering if I need to shift…hmmm? Maybe there’s one MORE chapter? Please no! I hope I’m about one page from the end (how many times have I said this now?), but endings are tricky…it has to be just right. My work today consisted of deleting a paragraph and writing about twenty words. But I did write about 2000 words over the previous two days. I’m now at over 70,000 words. This is a miracle! [Read more…] about Still working or not working on that last chapter
Archives for November 2008
Loving Miss Marple and missing things I’ve loved
The chest cold has been joined by a headcold. The last chapter is still awaiting completion. I tried to write yesterday and I couldn’t. Today has been equally unproductive. I was still awake when the Goblin came up the stairs this morning (I’d slept thirteen hours so I was up all night which I happily spent watching Miss Marple on Youtube) I jumped out of my chair and said, “Happy Thanksgiving!” He looked at me with raised Goblin eyebrows and said, “Thanksgiving is tomorrow.” “Oh…” I was very disapointed as it was the first time in years I’d remembered it was Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving…or so I thought. He had to be punished with a Fairy hug. I probably won’t remember to tell him today. C’est ma vie!
I really enjoyed watching Miss Marple. I watched most of ‘A Pocketful of Rye’. Joan Hickson is the best; apparently Agatha Christie once said to Hickson that she hoped Hickson would one day play Miss Marple. Excellent taste! I love Miss Marple. If I had a daughter I’d name her Jayne after five great Janes (Jane Austen, Jayne Eyre, Jayne Marple, Jane Glazebrook and the lovely Jane whose last name I can’t remember so we’ll call her Jane Doe). [Read more…] about Loving Miss Marple and missing things I’ve loved
The last chapter…
I feel like I’m under some sort of cruel spell…every time I say or think I’m on the last chapter of A Companion for Life, I’ve found myself hitting my head against the proverbial wall until I give in and accept that it isn’t the last chapter. Please let this be the last time I say this, I’m on the last chapter! The story is now over sixty-seven thousand words, almost the same length as Redeeming A Rake. Can you hear the soft thud of my head against the brick wall? The first time I thought I was on the last chapter occurs almost exactly half way through the book. How on earth did I think that was the last chapter? [Read more…] about The last chapter…
Sleeping Beauty
I’ve had a very unproductive Monday. After my Sunday afternoon nap I ended up on youtube. I went there to look up an English comedian mentioned in the paper (Bill Bailey who turned out to be quite funny). After an hour or so of Baily I thought…oh I’ll just look up Ugly Betty. I’d seen a couple episode and enjoyed it…when my Goblin got up for his morning walk I was still watching it and I was gutted when I ran out of eposides. Now I’ll have to buy the whole second series. And then I’ll have to wait till series three comes out on DVD to find out what’s been happening. [Read more…] about Sleeping Beauty
Reading the paper is good for the heart-unless you’re a Gnome
The other day I bought a copy of The Daily Telegraph. I don’t read the paper for the boring depressing world news…I read it for those small seemingly insignificant articles that feed my love for the weird and bizarre. I wasn’t disappointed. When I think of Bath, England I think Romans…I think Georgian architecture…I think the Smirke family (an extended family in my mental Regency world). It brings to mind many things, but garden gnomes are not one of them! However, in Bath (Yes Jayne Austen’s Bath) Garden gnomes have been banned from cemeteries. [Read more…] about Reading the paper is good for the heart-unless you’re a Gnome
Highwaymen and King John in the moonlight
It’s just gone eight in the morning and I should be going back to bed, but I have all these words swirling around in my head. Last night around ten-thirty the Goblin came into my study and said, “Bed time!” He’s a natural supervisor and this (sometimes) comes in handy because I never know what day or time it is. So I started shutting down which was hard because I’m nearly done with A Companion for Life, but I was really tired. I have maybe two pages to go…probably less…unless there’s another chapter I don’t know about, but it feels really good to be so close to the end. [Read more…] about Highwaymen and King John in the moonlight