Collective memory is such a strange thing. Living in the moment we often take for granted that movie stars, pop stars, world renown authors, earth shattering historical happenings will never be forgotten. Sadly (or gladly depending on one’s point of view) this isn’t the case. The societies we live in whether nations or extended tribes, make choices as to what we will and won’t remember collectively. That which is replayed or repeated most often will be the winner whether it deserves a place in history or not. The English have this saying, ‘Remember, remember, the fifth of November.’ Nearly four hundred years old, this childhood chant (that all English people know) calls the people to remember Guy Fawkes (and his associates) who nearly managed to blow up parliament with kegs of gun powder in 1605. Every November 5th the English build bonfires and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. This is an excellent example of collective remembering. Whether some individuals getting drunk and setting off fireworks can remember anything specific about Guy Fawkes is irrelevant. They remember collectively! [Read more…] about Remembering Lummox…
A Companion for Life
2011, A great year…
I’ve made up my mind; 2011 is going to be a great year. 2010 was a year of being ill. So thanks for coming 2010 (there were some lovely days), but don’t come back! [Read more…] about 2011, A great year…
Beauty and the Beast circa 1757…
I love fairy tales. If you’ve read several of my books that probably doesn’t surprise you. Elements of fairy tales sneak into my stories even when I’m not looking. There’s something special about fairy tales; the stories seem to breathe in between sentences giving each listener enough room to find the story they need. Most of the basic tales are ancient and probably stretch back into the mists of unrecorded time. I don’t know if my ancestors told their children Cinderella around the fireside five thousand years ago, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. [Read more…] about Beauty and the Beast circa 1757…
Need a laugh?
My friend Stephanie mentioned on her site. Whatever you do, don’t look at it if you’re eating anything that might ruin your monitor! Just to give you an idea…this photo below is one of my favorites!!! [Read more…] about Need a laugh?
Lost Stories at the V&A
The Victoria and Albert museum has about seven miles of exhibition rooms crammed with beautiful stuff from all ages and corners of the globe. I can’t imagine anyone being able to see the whole thing in week let alone a day. My visits have been kept fairly short. After about two hours in any museum I start having sensory overload. My eyes start to bug out and images start to swirl into meaningless blotches of painful shapes and colours. Six hours in the V&A and I’d be done for! Can you imagine some poor security guard finding me passed out, spread eagle like some dazed votary infront of a naked Celtic warrior. Have you ever seen the sculpture, “The Fallen Gaul”? I don’t know if the V&A has a copy, but it’s one of my favorite…yes he’s naked and has a wee too much facial hair, but he’s so lovely…even if he is dying. [Read more…] about Lost Stories at the V&A
It’s done!
Just a little entry to let anyone interested know that A Companion for Life is finished and on line!
So for all the members who didn’t win the notebook and pen (the winner was A. Valdez in California), well you’re still a winner! You get a book to read! If you’re interested I’ll be having more competitions throughout the year. The next one for the members will be for some scary historical romance DVD’s…the Barbara Cartland ones…for a laugh at Valentines! I may even throw in some chocolate as well. I’ll get that up soon, but in the mean time…Merry Christmas…Happy New Year…and Happy Reading!!!!