If you enjoy watching period drama set in the late 18th century, there’s a new short BBC series running now. I downloaded the first three episodes off itunes…and now I’ll have to wait I don’t know how long before I get to see the fourth and final episode. Heavy sigh! It’s really good!!! It’s based on the life and work of William Garrow, a barrister who pioneered the defence of prisoners in court. It draws on real trials and the script writer/s and the actors (and the costume designer) all do an excellent job. I give it 5 stars!!!
The last few days I’ve been suffering from an infection in my jaw (bad tooth gone long unatended – I know burying one’s head in the sand never makes problems go away, but I keep doing it hoping they will) I’ve been taking antibiotics for three days and finally my jaw is feeling better but the tooth is now throbbing along with my head…go figure. The point of my rambling being, as I was watching these 18th century characters wander past the screen I couldn’t help but feel heartily relieved that I live in the 21st century where I can go to the drugstore and buy painkillers. [Read more…] about Garrow’s Law…