I need to go back to bed and get some more sleep, but I just wanted to note that I haven’t forgotten I have a blog. I have about 4 posts filed behind my eyes, all waiting to be typed out. Some need photos. Most need me to be awake. I’ve had a lovely week…well lovely in that it passed in a sleepy haze and nothing really bad happened (and the bin men took the rubbish on Wednesday). I’ve been staying up too late and then getting up too early and staying up which sends productivity down the plug-hole. I have managed to do some work on Dancing the Maypole. I finally accepted, after banging my head on the desk for weeks, that I had to erase part of the last chapter and rework it. The deleted part was really good and seemed fine, but obviously it wasn’t because I couldn’t go forward. So that blockage is out of the way leaving all the other blockages to unblock. I still haven’t a name for my new short story, if it is a short story, but I have that awful feeling I’m going to end up deleting some of it because even though I’m happy with it, something doesn’t feel quite right. Hate that!
To my friend Maureen, thank you again for the pinks. You are SO lovely Maureena!!! Thank you!!!
If you’ve never stood over a bush of pinks…you haven’t yet lived. They’re…pink…little carnations with silvery green foliage and they have the sweetest scent which wafts up in the most glorious cloud. (When I was three/four we lived in a trailor park, but on the patch of grass next to our trailor someone had planted pinks. I loved crouching over them inhaling that sweet smell.) As we were leaving Maureen’s last night I was tempted to ask her if I could have one, but I felt that might sound weird (or rude) so I didn’t. As we were getting into the car she impulsively bent over and picked some pinks and handed them to me. They’re in a cup on my kitchen windowsill.
My kitchen (which badly needs an airing) now smells of pinks and memories of Maureena. Those little pinks made my week! There are so many lovely people in the world and she’s one of them.
I also came up with a new word last night (digilent). I meant to say vigilent or diligent but they came out together. I quite like it. I’m now going to go back to bed…so I should probably stop listening to Hawaii 5 O theme song by The Ventures and go back to listened to Kill the Blues by Robert Plant and Alison Krouse. The Ventures have ended…it’s now Madonna…The Power of Good-bye… and with that ringing in your ears I’ll leave you for my pillow.