I walked into town today to buy two tickets to see a French movie. I live in Stamford which is a cute Georgian town (I earned it by living eight years in Peterborough which is one of the ugliest boring cities in the UK.) Stamford is also where the Duke of Lyndhurst stops on the Great North Road before rushing to London to face Tolerance. I plan to do a series of articles on it one of these days.
Just before I got to the box office I stopped off at the nearby church to admire the lovely tree losing its leaves in the tiny graveyard and took some photos with my phone. If one turns out I’ll add it. I was feeling really happy. Probably because I’d actually left the house and my lungs were getting some oxygen. I took my photos around passing people and then headed around the corner past the Assembly rooms to the box office which is in the Arts Center next to the little Georgian theatre (no it doesn’t have it’s original seats or fittings) that doubles as a movie theatre. The movie isn’t until the 25th of November so I was sure if I went in today I’d be able to get two seats. I enjoy going to see movies with my friend Lizabet (my Goblin doesn’t like going to the movies), mais non! All four showings are sold out. Heavy sigh! The day is no longer so happy! I went to see if there was anything of interest at my favorite charity shop, but they’d just closed three minutes before. Rien pour moi la bas! Feeling disapointed I ended up passing the chocolate shop…the door was open. I went and stood there. The floor was wet. I could smell chocolate. Are you still open? Oh yes said the lady. Oh good…or in my case…oh dear…I was tempted and I did buy…Thorntons has to be the best chocolate/candy in the world. If I worked there I’d have to be rolled home. Actually I’d just end up working to pay for all the chocolate and then I’d have to find another job to pay for the running shoes to lose the fat. I think I’ll keep writing romances. It’s easier and less dangerous…at least I won’t get hit by a car! (I’d get hit by the car running or walking to work…there are a lot of old people who drive down the pedestrian only street. One drove past me today hunched over her wheel oblivious to me.
My Goblin spent a lot of time working on my blog/website this evening. He’s still putting my blog together so things will keep shifting as he decides what he thinks I should have. My Goblin has this trick of asking me how I want my website or blog and then translating that into Goblin-speak…ie he does it how he wants to do it hoping I won’t notice he’s ignored what I said. I wanted to change the photo of me on my about me page. There was this really good photo of me, so of course I wanted that one, but no he didn’t like it. He chose the picture he liked. He said he was the expert on good pictures of me. I should have asked him if that was with or without his glasses. It’s time to go and I didn’t write anything about King John…he was 5ft 5in and had blonde hair and might have had black eyes (his mother had black eyes) though I read something that seemed to suggest we don’t inherit eye colour…I need to look that up.