It didn’t seem likely that we’d see much sun, but the Goblin had the day off, so Tuesday we took our cameras off to Tatershall Castle (about fifteen miles east of Lincoln). It’s more of a moated tower. It was built at the end of the 15th century and was apparently one of the early large residents built in brick. When visiting most National Trust properties you get a sticker to prove to the volunteers stationed around the property that you’ve paid. I, being paranoid, kept asking the lady at the desk… “Are you sure we don’t need stickers?”…three seconds later…”Are you sure we don’t need stickers?”…ten seconds later etc… How was I to know there would be NO volunteers? No one to stop me from taking five hundred photos! The lady looked at me like she hoped I’d fall down the stairs which wouldn’t be hard. Tatershall has one serious winding staircase (the wedge type that rap around the central pole thingy) from the second floor all the way to the roof.