After a year of see-sawing back and forth about whether I should keep or delete four chapters in Once Upon a Wager (which has kept the story in limbo) I think I’ve finally resolved the problem. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. It was so simple. So obvious! The resolution allows me to keep all the chapters and opens up the story for the ending I keep seeing. It puts the story right. This means the story is nearly finished. I feel like I’ve stepped out of iron shoes. I’ll soon be dancing!
Sarah Crump says
That is amazing! I am so excited for you! I sent you the photos of the grave cement slabs. I hope your day had be awesome! Love you!
Cari says
@Sarah Crump
Thanks for the photos! What a lovely thing to uncover them and put flowers on them. You know William L’s mother was named Huldah. I wonder if the Huldah there is one of William L’s daughters? If you settle in the Seattle area warn your husband I’ll be coming to visit…I’ll bring some crumpets! 😉 Oh…have you been to see the house that Grandpa built? The one Mom grew up in outside Auburn? I got to see it once, but we only drove by. If you ever go looking for it, I’d love to have a photo. Love you too!
Sariah Ryland says
A relief for you and great news for the rest of us! Am looking forward to the finished product. 🙂
Renata says
It’s been some time since we talked. However, I have been checking your blog and site constantly to see news from you and your books. I felt sad when your sister left (because I know how it is to be far from loved ones), mad when I saw some stupid comments in yor site (from people who can’t read I guess) and glad to see you seem to be happier and in a sense more ‘free’ (maybe not from you health condition but from the bond it seemed to have inflicted you). I don’t mean it in a bad way, only who has been sick long knows what it is like. But in your last comments, you sound like the old dear Cari. And then today, you mention the second book in line for release… I got sooo happy I started laughing quite silly… because it means before the year is over (I hope) I will have two new books from my beautiful, kind, caring, thoughtful friend Cari. You really are an amazing girl. Make sure your Goblin sees it or else. lol – Love, your Brazilian friend.
Cari says
I shall do my utmost best to get these books done! I’m fighting off another chest cold or something, BUT I’m moving forward and yes, feeling happy. I think I’m almost done with chapter 39 of Dancing the Maypole. I SO want to finish these books soon. Miracles happen and I’m hoping for one. I hope you’re getting lots of lovely sunshine over there, you deserve it!!!
Sarah Crump says
Hey Sister! I was wondering…. Do you know when or where Sarah Henry was married? I am on the search again for her parents. Frustrated again…. but not giving up this time. I hope your are doing well! I love you! Keep the great writing going! Don’t give up either! 🙂
Cari says
@Sarah Crump
I don’t think we know her parents’ names. We know her birth date and birth place…I think that’s it. I’ll double check and get back to you. Thanks for your encouragement!!! You’re a toasty Crumpet with butter and raspberry jam on top!!!