This afternoon, the Autumn sun was shining and I felt compelled to walk into town with the camera. I didn’t know what I would find, but I hoped to see some beautiful things. I live in Stamford, an old coach stop on the Great North Road. It’s a lovely little town with lots of Georgian stone buildings. Having decided I was looking for pictures, I turned down a narrow lane I rarely use and met the most adorable tortoiseshell cat. It was in the mood for company so it deigned to pose. I couldn’t believe it when it walked over to the brick wall and sat down. Did he know he matched the brick wall? I think so!

Near the cat was a black iron gate that someone had coverered on the inside with a blue tarpaulin. I liked how the black looked against the blue, then I turned and looked at it from the side. It looks like a painting with the yellow plastered house, that rectangle of blue and the red leaves on stone…lovely!
I went to the end of the lane and turned up another little street. I nearly missed this next one. I love the orangey-red poppies framed by the white.
Just up the lane is a little church. I’d never noticed the flowers before. I stopped and smelled the roses…they were divine! Roses that smell like roses. I had to take some pictures.
I then went around to the front and took some pictures of the door. There were workmen inside so the door was open. I love how the light highlights the wrought iron on the door. One could do a whole fashion line based on the door.

It was a glorious walk. The air had that sweet fall scent and it was just the right temperature; not too cold or warm. I feel so blessed to have eyes.
Hello Cari,
Beautiful photos Excellent blog
My name is Simone and I’m a relatively new Regency romance writer. I know I haven’t the right to ask but because of your extended knowledge on the subject I feel I must at least make the attempt. I have a blog and hope you would do me the honour of reading a sample of my work and giving me an honest opinion. You don’t know me and so you can be brutally honest without fear of injuring a friend. I’ve included a direct link to a short story post below. Thank you for your time.
I don’t think any writer needs brutal honesty. As only one of my friends could tell you, my first book was awful, the second third and fourth were incremenataly better. It wasn’t until the fifth or sixth book that I began to learn what to leave in, what to take out and how to let my characters get on with telling the story. For all fellow writers still working on your first book, keep going…the bike gets easier to ride and to those able to write a great first book. I take off my hat!!! 🙂
Cari, I had no idea you were so good at photos! Well I should have guessed with how cute those cell phone pics came out, but if I’d known this about you I would have handed you the camera on our little walking tour. Very good job my dear.
Thanks Charity! I LOVE taking photos. I can often see pictures, but I can’t always take them because I’m still learning how to use a camera. The Goblin is teaching me, though my faulty memory doesn’t always store pertinent information! 😉
I love these pictures and how you can turn the simplest thing into a work of art!
I’m so glad you enjoyed my pictures! You made my day!!!