They called them inkstands (some times referred to as desk sets), but really they were glorified inkwells. In this day of throw away ink-pens does anyone actually need an inkstand? Yes! I do! It’s true my quill pen is gathering dust. (I got one for Christmas a few years back…it’s a messy, but enjoyable experience writing with real quill…ink gets everywhere, though that could be me.) But there’s no law that says you have to use what you buy. Some things you own to look at…because they’re lovely…make you smile…and transport you (mentally) back in time…
I don’t own an inkstand or even a proper inkwell (a cheap bottle of ink doesn’t count) but every now and then I’ll see one and think, ‘Hello! Come live on my desk!’ The Sotheby’s catalog (for London 8 July 2008) that I found at the charity shop had one. My favorite inkwell ever was one with cupid, but this porcelain inkwell…is SO adorable I’d happily put him on my desk and tell him every day to hurry up and write his love letter so he can start work on my novels.
It was lot number 271…”An Ormolu-mounted Meissen desk set of The Writing Cavalier (19th century)
The description says, ‘after a model by J.J. Kandler, wearing a guilt edged coat painted with flowers, a purple waistcoat and purple breeches, seated writing a letter on a rocky mound, the top of the baroque able with a watch. a gold box and a writing set, on a pierced rococo mount, flanked by a celestial and an astrological globe applied on the cover of the inkwells (flat chip on the hair bow, restoration to the writing feather) (asking price?) ONLY £ 4,000 – 6,000 US$7,900 – 11,800 (I know…it’s rather spendy for an ink well…but I’d comfort myself with a story that the money was going to some little old lady who was selling it to afford a Winter cruise up the Nile. Buying an outrageously expensive inkstand can be an act of kindness!
Heavy sigh…that is A LOT of money for an inkwell, but he’s SO cute! Can you look at this little guy and not want to invite him to come live on your desk? As he sat down next to your computer screen you’d politely look away as he arranged the skirts of his waistcoat and coat…and then for the niceties…”How do you take your ink Sir? Black, brown or purple?”
Cari, I do believe this is the most beautiful piece of porcelain I have seen. I also wish I could afford it. Thank you for the close-ups it is so exquisite and dainty. I think he is writting a letter to a young lady whose beauty is adorable, my french is a little rudimentary. How are your stories coming along? Hope your ghost story wins. Write to you later. Bye Victoria
I’m sure he appreciates your good taste! As for me, I’m happy to be able to say I’ve actually done some writing. I’m working on the Epilogue for Once Upon a Wager. I’m hoping this will help me figure out exactly what happens before that. I keep thinking I know and then I keep thinking I’m an idiot. It was really good to do the ghost story (whether it’ll make it through the slush pile is another story) being able to finish that has helped me out of the fear trap. (I can finish a story…I can…I will…) It’s been one of those last couple months. I’ve finally accepted I need to go to the doctors and have my thyroid and blood sugars checked. I’m off all refined sugars and taking lots of vitamins and feeling better (and my hair loss seems to have slowed way down), but I know I need to go. It would probably help speed up my writing speed which is on slow and slower. After the entry deadline I’ll put the Ghost story in a blog post.
In the mean time I’m hoping to get cracking on finishing a book. That would make my year!