Hello World! I feel like I’m standing at the open doorway of an airplane about to jump out into white fluffy clouds. You’re lucky you won’t be able to hear me screaming (or singing) as I descend. Will the parachute open or will I end up going out with one great adventurous jump? Here we go!
If you’re one of my members you’ll be glad to hear that I’m working (though not at this exact moment) on the last chapter of A Companion for Life. It should be online in a week or so. When I started it, I thought it was a short story, but it turned out to be a novel. I kept trying to wind the story up. I’d tell people there were only three more chapters…only three more…only three more… I should know better than to assume I know anything. I’m not one of those people who lash their characters with a mental whip. They’d all just call me names and sail away into a mental sunset for a prolonged holliday. No, I have to write what they want me to write. If it doesn’t feel right and I start hitting my head on the proverbial brick wall I know I’m trying to tell them what to do again. [Read more…] about Hello World!