It was lovely to spend two weeks with my sister. It’s been three years since we saw each other and many many more years since we spent so much time together just the two of us. We laughed ourselves sick and had some good cries. It was like one of those French movies that has no plot, but you leave the theatre feeling glad you went. It’ll probably be a long while before I see her again and that makes me sad, but at least she chose the right two weeks to come! We had some lovely weather for her visit. It’s supposed to rain all this coming week, but I love the rain…as long as it doesn’t start chucking it down while I’m taking photographs. Becky…this song is for you (you have to go listen to it)…’Aint No Sunshine’ by Bill Withers. Becky, there literally…ain’t no sunshine now you’re gone! Here are the rest of my favorites photographs of our adventures.
This shot was from our rainy day out. We went up to visit this antique market. This was
in the last building (there were more than we had energy to visit). I stepped into the room and thought, “Hello!” There was something about these lovely giants…I could imagine they were enchanted heroes turned into clocks…forced to tick away the centuries…no one to break the spell. If you didn’t know I love clocks, I love clocks. If I could have taken one home it would have been the second grandfather on the left. The one with the flat top, but they were all magical. Most of them weren’t ticking though. That made me sad. This was only half the room. There were another six or more large clocks all desperate for a home.
Teresa Thomas Bohannon says
Thanks for sharing your lovely adventures and photos. I’ve missed you.
Cari says
@Teresa Thomas Bohannon
Thanks Teresa! I hope your characters are all being cooperative!!! I think my hiatus helped me for a few weeks, but I think that was torture. I live and learn…hopefully in equal measures!