I’ve decided that Dancing the Maypole doesn’t want an epilogue. After coming to a standstill in attempt number three on Saturday afternoon I sort of had a mini breakdown. I think the book is actually finished and ready to run, but I’m subconsciously trying to keep it in the gate (because that way no one can tell me it’s rubbish?). There’s this mutual growing rage between me and the story; it’s time to let go. So…I’m going to give myself a week to not think about Dancing the Maypole and then I’ll get started on the final editing. And hopefully before the end of October you’ll be getting an e-mail (if I have your e-mail) telling you it’s done and online. I hope you like long stories; this one is twice the length of ‘The Hired Wife’. I didn’t want it to be that long, but my characters don’t care what I think. So there’s fifty chapters and it’s done.
Wow I guess all is well that ends well. Am positively giddy excited about being able to read it…
Or all is well once it’s allowed to end! 😉
i getting excited!!!!
@Sariah Ryland
You and me both! I think I’ve spent too much time focused on one book. I seem to do better with multiple projects. My book, Once Upon a Wager only has a few more chapters to go so hopefully it won’t take long. It’s been stuck the last year or so, but I think I figured out what was holding it up.
If I could get that on line before the end of the year…it would be good!
Cari, honey… Has the other works been different? Were you that anxious to let them go? You see, I believe this will probably be your best work ever. Trust yourself and your gift. It has never proved you wrong.
A note in favor of your readers: Do not go that long on reviewing… We know you, love you and are dying to read Dancing the Maypole. Let go of this baby and trust you for honest and sure enough positive returns.
You are so lovely! I shall take your excellent advice and send my brain child out into the world as soon as possible. I know the story is what it wants to be and that makes me feel calm and peaceful. I’ve had a really lovely day today. I cleaned out my work room closet which I couldn’t get into or use because of all the junk. I feel like I’ve cleared the cobwebs from a corner of my brain! I hope life is being kind to you!!!
Yay! i cant wait i’m waiting for the book on baited breath!
I hope the editing process is going easy.
The editing is coming along slowly, but it’s coming. I’d be farther if I hadn’t caught another cold this past week. The fever broke by Sunday morning, but I’m still shaking off the achy sniffles…for my anniversary week (of course!). Yesterday the Goblin and I drove up to Lincoln and had lunch at our favorite burgher joint (after the Goblin waited while I combed my favorite antique store for more cracked Georgian porcelain). It was a lovely day. Fifteen years! I can’t believe I’ve been married fifteen whole years. It feels like maybe seven or eight years. That’s a good thing. I’ve no doubt the next fifteen will be even weirder!