If you’re a self-published author, want to be a self-published author or just a writer in need of inspiration I found a great blog that may help you. It’s called The Book Designer. The man behind the site is a professional book designer and writer. He covers all sorts of topics including ways to become a better writer. He has an article on free-writing I highly recommend. If you’ve read The Artist Way, free-writing is similar to morning pages or stream of conscience journal writing. One commenter after the article mentioned that she does free-writing on the computer and turns off the monitor so there’s no visual interruption to the flow. I use the computer because my hand goes numb very quickly using a pen, but I’d never thought of blinding myself to the page. I had to try it. So I set the timer on my clock for fifteen minutes, closed my eyes and started typing whatever came into my head. It felt SO good! My brain feels like its been vacuumed, sucked free of mental dirt. Even if you don’t want to self publish, if you’re a writer or someone who wants a happier brain have a look at the article and give free-writing with your eyes closed a go. I know from experience that when I do my morning pages every day my creativity blossoms, but I found it a bit of a chore. Now that I found an enjoyable way to clean my brain I’ll be doing it every morning. Read the article and see what you think.
Joel Friedlander says
Cari, thanks so much for the mention. I’ve done something similar when free writing in the morning. Since I use an iPad with a wireless keyboard, I set up my document and then put the iPad where I can’t see it and start to “vacuum” pouring everything into the keyboard. At first I was worried I’d get on the wrong keys and just produce gibberish, but it hasn’t happened. Good luck with your daily writing!