For all of you Regency shoe lovers…I came across a website today where they sell Georgian authentically styled shoes. I now must get rich because I NEED to have pairs of ALL of them. Heavy sigh! These (pictured) nankeen Regency ankle boots are high high high on the list. They also come in black and another colour I can’t remember. If, like me, you dream of Regency shoes… Have a look at these beauties! The sold out red leather buckle shoes look as if they were conjured out of one of Fragonard’s paintings…Magical!
Hey any updates?
Hello Levita!
I’m relieved to be able to say I do have an update. I’m back to work on finishing Once Upon a Wager. I just finished chapter 35 yesterday and I think there’s only two more chapters to go. I was hoping it would be done by now (understatement), but my brain has been very uncooperative. Four months ago I thought I was dying…had all these weird pains in my chest every time I walked up the stairs or did anything that required exertion…legs and arms felt like rubber…couldn’t think straight…I went to the doctors and it turned out I was iron deficient. I’m starting my third month of pills – feeling human again and writing (as opposed to feeling like a vegetable and reading endless vampire romances – maybe my subconscious knew there was something wrong with my blood!). I’m also back to work on my first contemporary romance which I started last October (it’s half done). But my goal is to finish Once Upon a Wager and get it on line by the end of November (preferably earlier). It depends on how long it takes to edit. Life’s feeling good! One of my contemporary characters is half Danish (he’s a minor character in this book, but he wants his own) so I’ve been compulsively researching the Danes. I’m using it to my advantage though – I bought a Danish tv series (Anna Pihl – season 1), but I can only watch the next episode if I get some work done on my Regency romance. I’ll be starting chapter 36 today! 🙂
I hope this finds you in good health and spirits!!!
Sounds great.
I am good. I have not really written anything recently. It is good to see that you are well.