Some people don’t have sisters. Some people have sisters and wish they didn’t have sisters. Some lucky people, like me, have sisters who are amazing lovely people. My sister Becky is two years younger than me. I can’t remember a time she wasn’t a part of my life. It’s been three years since we were last together, but finally she was able to come for a visit. She’s been here about a week and we have another week of adventures before we have to take her back to the airport and watch her fly away. I had to share a few photos of our adventures. I’ll note which ones are hers… [Read more…] about My sister Becky…
I've been taking photographs
Sharing photos…
Dancing the Maypole now has 99,527 words. I’ve finally finished chapter 37 (hopefully for the last time). I’m now working on chapter 38. I ended up doing the usual ‘beat my head against the wall’ exercise until I finally gave in and deleted a chunk and wrote some more. I think I’ve figured out how to unblock Once Upon a Wager as well, but now I have to decide how much to delete. I’ve deleted quite a bit, but I have an awful feeling I need to delete more. Excuse me while I just bang my head on that brick wall!
The last few months have been really weird. I’ve been having problems remembering what day or month it is. I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of June. I think I was traumatized by moving house. The rest of the Universe has moved on, but I’m somehow stuck in April. The last few months I’ve had a number of adventures that I meant to share. I took pictures…lots of pictures. I now I have too many to share, but I wanted to share some of my favorite. [Read more…] about Sharing photos…
Self portrait of a Harpy…
This morning I waved the Goblin away and came upstairs to eat my breakfast (butter beans in plain yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon – it tastes better than it sounds). I would have skipped food and collapsed back into bed, but I had to take my pills. So I clicked on Listverse and enjoyed the latest list; greatest 60’s instrumental songs. I haven’t thought about Classical Gas in years (if you’ve never heard it, it’s brilliant!). With the curtains closed it was still dark, so as I listened to the music I sat here staring at my hands (as one does) and admired my fingernails lit by my computer monitor. Thanks to my vitamin regime, they’re hard as…nails…and sharp as…knives. Some cliches are really just an accurate description. If I’m not careful I could seriously hurt myself. I can hear it now, “We believe it was an accidental death. It appears the woman was scratching her neck…” You get the picture. So while admiring my fingernails I thought, “This might make an interesting picture.” Then I thought, “I have a camera!” So I started taking pictures of my hands. Then my sleep deprived brain thought it would be a good idea to photograph my face (my poor eczema covered, hagged out, fatigued, officially almost middle aged face). Some ideas should come with a mental health warning. Needless to say, I looked like a possessed harpy dragged out of her nest after just settling down from a long fruitless night. To cheer myself up I decided to buy a few songs on itunes. I don’t think Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Flying High Again’ was a good choice for an exhausted harpy! As I tried to cheer myself up, the next thing I knew it was gone one in the afternoon and a bright sun was pouring in the cracks of my still closed curtain. I got another idea, I could open the curtain and take some pictures of my face in sunlight. There was a chance I might not look so…hideous! So the following photos (my favorites) illustrate my morning… [Read more…] about Self portrait of a Harpy…
And the Universe smiled…sort of…
Today I managed to scribble messages of love on two specially purchased Christmas cards. I made a great start – instead of writing ‘Hello’ I wrote ‘Hellow’. My head cold has been doing weird things to my head (weirder than normal). [Read more…] about And the Universe smiled…sort of…
A week in photos…
This week (along with writing one and half chapters for Dancing the Maypole) I went to see my friend Debbie Webbie and met her puppy Chin Chin who’s eight months old. I also managed to do some Christmas shopping and took some photos of the snow. I can’t believe how well I feel. Compared to the end of October (when I started taking pills for my thyroid along with a large number of vitamins) I feel like a champion athlete. I can walk into town and back again every other day without feeling like I’m going to die. More importantly, I can think again. For the whole of September and October I swear my skull was housing a cabbage. [Read more…] about A week in photos…
Sunset, moonrise…
I woke up late today and saw the sun was shining through the leaves and thought I’d just pop outside with the camera for a short walk. Over two and a half hours later I finally came home cold, tired and starving, but I did get to see some lovely images (not all of which I was capable of capturing), but I thought I’d share my favorite photos of the day. [Read more…] about Sunset, moonrise…