I may have developed a blog posting phobia. I’ve been wanting to write a post for weeks, but every time I tried to pin myself down at the computer I’d find a thousand other things that needed to be done first, like watching another rerun episode of The Mentalist. It’s not really the fear of writing a blog post, it’s the fear of letting people down because I can’t yet say, “It’s done!” However, I can say I’m nearly done with Dancing the Maypole. I started chapter 44 yesterday (it’s now over 121,000 words so it’s by far my longest story yet). This should be the last chapter before the Epilogue. Something Cari this way comes! Over Christmas I pulled out Once Upon a Wager and read what I have. I only see it needing about four more chapters. As soon as I’m done with Maypoles I’ll see if I can get the characters to cooperate.
It’s a miracle I got any writing done this past month as I spent most of it sick, but (as of the 1st of Jan) I’m back on my mega healthy Candida diet so after a few weeks my energy levels should rise now that I’ve thrown sugar overboard. This time I have some new tools to help me stay on course. I’m looking forward to being less fat and having more brain energy to write faster. Stories are piled on my mental file cabinet. I thought of another one on my walk today (a child’s picture book). I should probably make a note of it before it falls into my mental black hole. The likelihood of it getting written isn’t high, but I think it’s best to capture all story ideas just in case I turn into one of those scary super-writers who churn out brilliant stories every three months. One can always hope!
In the mean time…this afternoon I walked down to the Fairy-wood where I found some magical photos. [Read more…] about Something Cari this way comes…